Self-Determination When Cash Rules Everything Around Us. Fall 2015.
Classic Fake-out: Joshua Schwebel at articule. October, 2014.
Akram Zaatari: All is Well. July, 2014.
Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen, the Archive and Why the Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction. November, 2013.
Processes at Play: .dpi’s Amber Berson interviews Valentina Vuksic. June 2013.
Doing the Difficult Work - reflections on the workshop titled “The Form of Violence / The Form of Exhibition” presented by Liz Park forInvisible Violence at CEREV (The Centre for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence) at Concordia University. February 27, 2013.
Montrealers Cook Up New Ideas At Darling Foundry. November - December, 2012.
Surface Violence: Pamela Masik's The Forgotten. June, 2010.