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La course annuelle des administrateur-rice-s des arts /

The Annual Art Administrator’s Race



Ever feel like your job has started to take on a somewhat performative quality? Tired that artists and athletes are getting all the recognition and the fun? Want to put your over-developed administrative skills to the test and show off your hidden talents for organizing, planning, and figuring out brilliant last-minute solutions while working under pressure with a tight budget? Have we got a race for you!


The Art Administrator’s Race is a day-long game based on popular television programs like The Amazing Race or Survivor, childhood memories of Capture the Flag, and the absurdity and humour in our day-to-day lives as arts administrators and cultural workers.





Avez-vous déjà eu l’impression que votre travail comporte un aspect performatif? Êtes-vous tanné-e du fait que les artistes et les athlètes sont les seul-es à recueillir la gloire? Avez-vous envie de tester vos habiletés surdéveloppées en matière d’administration des arts et de pavaner vos talents cachés pour l’organisation, la planification et la résolution de problèmes de dernière minute tout en travaillant sous pression selon un budget limité? Eh bien, nous avons une compétition pour vous!


La Course annuelle des administrateur-rice-s des arts est une compétition d’une journée, basée sur les populaires émissions de télévision telles Amazing Race et Survivor, les souvenirs d’enfance de capture du drapeau et le côté absurde et humoristique de notre quotidien d’administrateur-rice-s des arts (AA) et de travailleur-euse-s culturels.





Organised by Amber Berson and Nicole Burisch, the first race took place in Montreal on May 20th, 2013, from 2-5pm ( Four teams met at Eastern Bloc and then raced throughout the Mile Ex/Little Italy/Mile End neighbourhoods to complete a set of arts-admin related challenges.


The rules were:


  • The whole team must do the challenge at the same time. No splitting up.

  • You must take a photo at each station (and try to upload it to Facebook for good PR and communications)

  • You must begin and end at Eastern Bloc, but otherwise can do the challenge in whatever order you want.

Challenges included:



  • Translate a text that was written in English by a non-native speaker, to actual English. In less than ten minutes so it can go to press.

  • Bring Your Kid to Work Wild Card Challenge (30 mins max)

  • Schmooze with a Collector + Bonus Point Round! (30 mins max)

  • Old technology / equipment pickup / installation challenge (30 mins max)

  • Visit two board members who work on opposite ends of town to sign a document and then drop it off at an art council office (i.e. with the judges), in less than two hours.

  • Photocopy challenge. Make a posters with images from your challenge stations. Make enough copies for every team.

  • Explain your financial statements to your membership. You must be back at Eastern Bloc by 4:45 for this challenge.

The race concluded with after work drinks/judging at Alexandraplatz, where celebrity judges/board members Libby Shea, Anne Bertrand, and Saelen Twerdy evaluated each team’s performance, and tallied scores from the various challenges. 


After thorough consideration (and a shocking last-minute disqualification) the results were announced:

1st place: Michelle, Anna, Sheena

2nd place: Florence, Virgine, Pedro

In a category of their own: Chris and Rose

Disqualified: Amber and Nicole


Thanks to all who participated and offered their homes, resources, and ingenuity. If you are interested in participating, contributing, or suggesting potential future challenges, please send an email to citiusaltiuspervilis(at)gmail(dot)com.


Merci beaucoup à tous les participant.e.s: Anne, Saelen Libby, Olya, Florence, Virginie, Pedro, Claudine, Chris, Rose, Sol, Michelle, Anna, Sheena, Eliane. Vous êtes toutes et tous des gagnant.e.s!


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